This post is dedicated to all my fellow Singaporeans. It is not uncommon to hear fellow Singaporeans complaining once in a while about their gripes about the country. In fact, a quick google search will bring you to forums where some disgruntled Singaporeans complain about the government and why it sucks to live here.
They complain about foreigners invading the country and taking away jobs. They complain about the lack of freedom. They complain about the high cost of living. They complain about business being too competitive. They complain about the pressurizing education system. They complain about the government not doing enough and getting paid to much ($1m a year) etc…
First a disclaimer. I have no political aspirations and political affiliations. I am not being paid by anyone to say this. And no, I am not a patriotic person who goes to National Day parades. This comes straight from my heart… From a person who has benefited so much from being born and raised in Singapore, I believe that if you are born/raised in Singapore, you are really DAMN LUCKY!
Why? Well, I would go so far to say that Singapore is one of the best places in the world to achieve your dreams and to make your fortune (yes, even more so that the US-the ‘land of opportunity’. In fact, if you cannot being rich and successful in Singapore, it is unlikely that you can make it anywhere else. This is one of the easiest places in the world where anyone can become a millionaire, if they put their focus and hard work into it.
Here are some interesting facts.
1) Singapore has the highest concentration of millionaires in the world.
On 17 sept 2009 (see article below). The Straits Times published a report by the Boston Consulting group that showed that despite the financial crisis, Singapore had the highest concentration of millionaires in the world. In fact, 8.5% of Singaporean households have assets of over US$1m, excluding their property. Ranked number two is Switzerland, where only 6.6% of households are millionaires.
2) Singapore has one of the fastest growing number of millionaires worldwide. As you know, the US financial crisis has caused millions of people in the US, Europe, Japan to lose their drops and suffer a decline in their net worth. Yet, from 2008-2009, the number of millionaires in Singapore increased 32.7% according to Merrill Lynch Wealth Management (I am proud in contributing to this statistic by training a few thousand people through my Wealth Academy Programmes).
3) From 2009, Singapore was ranked the fourth richest country in the world as measured by GDP per capita.
All this success did not happen by chance! In fact, it happened against all the odds. Singapore has no natural resources. The country has no gold, oil, rubber, copper, minerals nor land for agricultural use. Heck, the country does not even have enough water to support the population. We have to buy water from Malaysia! Just 50 years ago, Singapore was a third world country that was overrun by communists, opium addicts and uneducated immigrants.
So how did this once impoverished country transform itself into an economic success? It was the result of the vision & beliefs of the people and the business-friendly policies that were put into place. It is these same policies that will allow anyone living in Singapore, no matter where there are, to become rich and successful beyond their wildest dreams.
Why is Singapore a land of unlimited opportunities of people seeking financial freedom?
1) Singapore is a meritocratic society. This means that there is equal opportunities for anyone regardless of race, language or religion. Even if you are born into a poor uneducated family, you have the opportunity to go to the top schools, universities and get any job you want. It is solely based on merit. This is unlike many other countries, specially in Asia, where you have to be born in a rich and well connected family to have a chance. In Singapore, everyone has a chance. Most of Singapore’s multi-millionaires like Sim Wong Hoo, Ron Sim, Olivia Lum etc… were born into very poor families but are worth hundreds of millions today.
2) Singapore has one of the lowest income tax rates in the world and no capital gains tax. Unlike in countries like the US or UK, you pay no tax on profits earned from stock and property investments. (This is the part I love the most)
3) If you start a business in Singapore, it takes less than 2 days and less than $315. No red tape. The first $100,000 of profits earned within the first 3 years is tax free. When you engage business/branding consultants or send employees for training to help your business grow, up to 70% of the cost is subsidized by the government. Very few places in the world support business people the way Singapore does.
There is also the big complaint that Singapore lacks freedom as compared to more liberal countries like the West. I have a different opinion. Singapore may be perceived to have less freedom given its strict laws on crime and expression of speech. However, I believe that in reality, Singapore is provides its citizens much more freedom than any other country.
In most countries, even the US, few people (especially young females) would dare to walk along the streets at 3am. There is a real danger of being mugged, shot and killed. However in Singapore, you can walk along the roads of the poorest neighbourhoods or in the darkest area of the park with no fear at all. That is what I call REAL FREEDOM.
I find it quite sad that it is only the foreigners who come here who truly appreciate the great life and opportunities that Singapore offers. I believe few Singaporeans realize how lucky they are. If all my fellow Singaporeans do not start to appreciate, cherish and love this country they were so lucky to be born into, I fear it will be soon taken away by others who are more deserving.
yes, you are lucky, no tax for stock and property investments.
Even the great Merry Riana, a foreigner from Indonesia found her first million in Singapore, I like the support from the government on new businesses and the SAFE TO WALK AT NIGHT freedom in Singapore!
yup, agreed. tried telling my friends to be appreciative of living in Sg and the resultant silence was resounding.
then the whining began all over again.
thanks for the reminder :]
Adam, you are just simply my spiritual brother 🙂
Yes I totally agree, thank you for this post
I read one of the articles about you sent by a fomer boss of mine. It was truly inspirational which urged me to check out your site. True, S’pore is a safe place for women even to walk alone late at night as it is free of crime and discrimination against women.
Adam, that’s very true! Thank you Adam, I have attended your WA class and found really good, and I have also read all your posts and enjoying to be inspired…
Well said. Totally agree with you.
Hi Adam, this blog post was discuses at Forum (The Largest Indonesian Community).
Yes I am very agree to this post.
Hi Adam,
I totally agreed with what you have said and I am proud to be a Singaporean. Cheers!
yup, truly so, indeed.
Adam living in a dream world la you.
There are many countries way BETTER than Singapore and offer more freedoms (because the people have control over the government) and out of all those 26 countries better ranked than Singapore… all countries do not conscript their youth for 12 years (I’m counting reservist too because lets be real here, you still have to report every year, train for IPPT -if you fail you’ll have to go for 2 months training, now it’s bumped up to 9 months, WTF!-, you have to do 48 hour standbys and Ops manning too, what a s**t)…
Check out the UN’s Human Development Index 2010, Singapore is ranked 27th.
Great information! I agree alongside with most of your remarks. However no matter how fair a country can be, there are still some advantages and disadvantages between the poor with very little networks and the people with many network opportunities.
I am pretty sure most of us must exposed to those “business minded” people through networks to even know that there are alternative approaches to generating income besides working. Speaking as a Singaporean point of view.
As I progress to the list, my envy dramatically increases! haha Of course I love my country and I appreciate all that it offers me but these two got me falling off my chair! haha
2) Singapore has one of the lowest income tax rates in the world and no capital gains tax. Unlike in countries like the US or UK, you pay no tax on profits earned from stock and property investments. (This is the part I love the most)
3) If you start a business in Singapore, it takes less than 2 days and less than $315. No red tape. The first $100,000 of profits earned within the first 3 years is tax free. When you engage business/branding consultants or send employees for training to help your business grow, up to 70% of the cost is subsidized by the government. Very few places in the world support business people the way Singapore does.
The thing is, wherever we may be, it is very important that we appreciate what we have because after all, the grass is not greener anywhere else, it is only GREEN when we make it.
Singapore has no natural resources to begin with and we became so successful only within 2 generations.
However, i feel that the adage is becoming true:
The 1st Generation builds the Wealth,
The 2nd Generation preserves the Wealth,
The 3rd Generation destroys the Wealth.
Our forefathers (grandfathers) work so hard to develop Singapore to what it is today. Our fathers also work very hard and learn all sorts of technology to make Singapore so high tech and innovative.
However, our young generation has became a complaining group. They find excuses for everything and only know how to go the path their parents ask them to go – study hard and find a job. There is the lack of entrepreneurship and desire to strive out a new path for themselves.
To conclude, I believe Singaporeans should just embrace the challenges that come with foreigners. Take advantage of the opportunity! Hire them or work with them as they are all skilled in one way or another. I would recommend hiring a cook who comes from China and setting up a Chinese restaurant – just my opinion.
I believe the most important characteristic is to be flexible. You are able to withstand whatever hard knocks that come to you and treat the problem as a challenge!
The only constant thing in the world is “Change”.
Well written. Totally agree with you. I belonged to the complaining camp of Singaporeans 7 years ago. Having worked overseas in 2 countries for 5 years, i have come to appreciate Singapore a lot more. There is no perfect country and the grass is not always greener on the other side. This is home, make the best of it.
I enjoyed the article, it has taken me until age 50 years to finally be free of all debt. It was a hard path to follow but it feels good know and I am hoping to retire early as a result.
I would love to write and say what a great job you did on this, as you have put a lot of work into it.Unfortunately, I’m not sure how to leave a comment….