A couple of months ago I Blogged about my experience at the immigration in Changi Airport. Although there was an ‘Automated Clearance’ machine that allowed Singaporeans to go through customs by scanning their passport and thumbprints, many people just preferred to stand at the long queues where they went through the manual process of going through the Immigration officer.
Last week, I had a similar experience. When I went to Changi Airport Terminal 2, I noticed that there were at least 10 automated check-in machines for Singapore Airlines customers. The funny thing was that it was completely unused!!! Instead, there were long queues of people at the manual check-in counters.
Although I have never used it before and has no clue how to work it, I just thought I would give it a shot. Afterall, I was late and did not fancy joining the long queue to get checked-in. I must say the machine was amazing. It first asks you to insert your credit card and passport for identification. Then you able to select your own seats on the plane just like booking a movie seat online…COOOL!
In less than 2 minutes, the machine prints out my boarding pass. As for the check in baggae, you just drop it into a bag-drop and its in! In under 6 minutes I had checked in and had gone through immigration (automated machine of course).
So, why is nobody using these super cool technology? Are people afraid of doing something new? Must someone tell them to do it? What do you think? Where is the proactive spirit? Have you seen those machines yourself before? Have you used it? Why not?
Hi adam,
i hve seen it.it looks Cold, like an alien machine.The customer officer looks friendlier, isnt that what i’m paying extra for??? for the first class SERVICES. But i think its coolz. I would try one of those machines, the next time i’m on singapore airlines again.
Warm regards,
Wow, so high tech ah Singapore?
Don’t think we have those things in Malaysia le.
Anyway, will sure drop by Sg in the near future
to visit all my good friends there.(Hint)
Forgive my Singlish…. Today’s my break….
But not for long….
Till then,
Hi Adam,
Hmm I’m quite surprised at what you’ve
witnessed actually.
Yeah I guess there’s truth in saying
Singaporeans generally don’t favour
deviance and like to “just follow law”
but the 2 incidents you’ve quoted sounded
kind of extreme and I’m sure (I hope)
it’s not the usual occurence.
Because really, 10 free machines and
one long queues elsewhere isn’t
really being passive anymore.. It sounds
kind of stupid lol.
Hi adam,
Upon reading your posting, I can’t say that I am really surprised that such a thing has happened. In fact, it happens for the section where you enter the departure hall as well. (I’m sure you know) that there are machines on the sides whereby you can just scan your passport followed by your thumbprint and you’re on your way.
However, there are still a large number of people that did not even bother to check out the machines and stick to queueing for the manual way. To my surprise, many are of my age group (I belong to gen Y). I agree with kang that alot of us are still in the mentality of ‘Just Follow Law’ and in my opinion, that is the very reason why there are still relatively very few entrepreneurs in the Singapore setting. Because the schools did not ask students to set up businesses. Thus, no one did.
maybe they havent change their passport??
You do not need the new version passports to use it. The old passports worked fine. That’s the big problem with some people. They dare not do anything new because they allow themselves to have limting beliefs and assumptions that keep them in their comfort zone. If you do not take action, how will you ever know??/
Hi Adam,
U take chances.That is not how the s’poreans do..Inactive!they will wait for chances to come and hope miricale will fall on them instead of taking chances..
Hi Adam Khoo,
Yes, it is true. There are such things as ‘Automated Clearance’ machines at the airport but the people who can use those machines are the ones who have Biometric passports and it is only for s’poreans age 15 and above. Those passports have chips which are used to scan against the machine.
I went overseas last week and when I got back, I saw the machines. I saw it stated that it was for s’poreans aged 15 and above so I didn’t go to those machines as I haven’t met the age requirement. However, a few friends of mine who are already 15 yrs of age went to the machines but they were disappointed as they did not know that Biometric passports are needed to scan against the machine and they had to queue up through the long manual process.
When were those machines installed? The last time i checked in singapore airline, I didn’t see any.
People do not like to be on unfamiliar ground. It is possibly by nature a survival trait. Alien surroundings are unpredictable, and unpredictability increases chance of injury. Only those who are certain that they can react quickly enough in a strange environment would attempt it.
I believe there are others out there who would, actually, like to try something new. Perhaps what is in play is what is known as the “crab bucket phenomenon”? One person who is outstanding or unusual will be dragged back into mediocrity, just as how crabs in a bucket will pull down a fellow crab who is trying to climb out.
What do you think?
wow, my 1st time passing by this blog. Never expect Adam is online chattin directly with folks..
Have the URL feed on my feedreader already.
Hi Adam,
This was the 2nd post I happened across here, and I was surprised cos I heard you tell it at your recent batch of WA.
I’m not surprised this happens, because Singaporeans in general (esp the older generation) are not tech-savvy and do not bother to learn or try or retain whatever they’d been taught (eg how to use the machines). We get these all the time at MRT stations too! There is always, always this one or more person/(s) that will hold up the crowd at the EZlink card scanning stations. Somehow they always have to wait for the barrier to close after the previous person before they put their card down painstakingly slowly. Or they rummage in their bags for the cards right when it is their turn. This simple passing-through-MRT-stations is a regular thing for them, and yet they still do the same irritating thing over and over.
Tbh, I am glad when I see the automated scanning machines at airports empty, cos that means I get to sail through them without fuss.
Certain groups of ppl tend to Q for that : families, older folds, less tech-savvy folks. Impatient folks like me will just go through the machinese is there is a small or no Q there.