A few weeks back I wrote this blog post and wanted readers to share their goals online and make it a PUBLIC commitment. 58 of you have responded and I would to congratulate each one of you for taking that first step in creating success in your life.
You see, the mere act of writing down your goals gives you clarity and power! And it becomes even more effective when you share it with the people around you (because now you can’t back out!). I said I’d give away a FREE copy of one of my ebooks to the person who shares the most comprehensive and inspiring comment about their goals for 2010.
Well… I’ve gone through all 58 of your entries and I’ve picked a winner. Let’s congratulate Jay who shared his comment and was very clear about the goals he wants to achieve and also how he’s going to do them. Congratulations! My staff will be emailing you shortly for your prize.
If you didn’t win, please don’t look at it that way! Remember, just by taking the first step, sharing your goals and making it a public commitment, you have already shown how SERIOUS you are to YOURSELF about how important your goals are! That is power! So use that and skyrocket yourself towards success in 2010!
Oh well, just have to do it better next time. Probably didn’t give my 100%. Cheers to all 😀 (and congratulations to Jay)