“Make More Money”, ” Lose Weight”, ‘Be Nicer to Other People”, ” Spend More Time With My Family”, ” Eat More Healthily”, ‘Start a Business ” etc…

It is a brand new year again and a time when many people see as a fresh start to set New Years Resolutions. Have you wondered how many people actually work on, let alone achieve their resolutions? After coaching and training over 560,000 people in 7 countries and reading hundreds of emails a month, I can tell you that more than 90% of people never achieve their goals and make the changes they want in their life. So, if you have experienced this in the past, you are not alone.

So, why do so many people fail at keeping their resolutions, achieve their goals and make the changes they want in life? Here are three main reasons

Reason #1: Vague, Unspecific Goals
Solution: Get Clear on What You Want

The goals people set are often vague and non-specific. They set goals like ‘ to lose weight’ or ‘to make more money’. When you are vague, you will never get what you want. It is often said that CLARITY IS POWER. You need to set specific, measurable outcomes so your mind knows exactly what to do and what needs to be done to get it. For example, set goals like ‘to lose 10kg in 90 days and to weight exactly 48 kg’. When you are specific, you can then develop a plan of how many calories to consume a meal and how many hours you need to work out on a treadmill to burn ‘X’ calories per day.

When you set a clear goal like ‘to increase my income from $4,000month to $$10,000 a month in 5 months. You are clear that you have to build an extra income stream (s) of $6,000. You can possible develop a plan to earn an extra $2,000 from Internet marketing/ads from blogs, another $2,000 from trading FOREX and another $2,000 from doing part-time commissioned sales/tuition.

Reason #2: Lack of Consistent Focus
Solution: Focus on What You Want Daily

The second reason many people don’t get what they want is because they write a goal down, put it aside and forget about it until a year later. In the meantime, they get distracted and caught up with the daily struggles and demands of life.

What has really helped me is that I write my goals down on large pieces of Poster sized paper and stick it near my workstation, in my bedroom and in my office. I even design my goals onto my computer desktop wallpaper. This way, the goals are constantly IN MY FACE and ON MY MIND 18 hours a day. This makes me constantly remind myself to move towards my goals and to act in a way which I want.

Reason #3: Interest But Not a Commitment
Solution: Make a Public Commitment

Let’s face it. Many of us think of goals we would LIKE to achieve. We think it will be NICE to have. However, often times, it is not a strong COMMITMENT to MUST do it. As human beings, we are also great at breaking promises to ourselves and we start to justify. “I know I said I would lose weight but it’s just too difficult so nevermind, Nobody will know anyway’ is the common thought.

If you want to make things happen in your life, you have to make goals a COMMITMENT by putting yourself on the line. Make it very hard for you to turn back. What I often do is when I set a goal (e.g. recently I set a goal of writing a book ‘Secrets of Successful Teens’, I make a PUBLIC COMMITMENT by announcing it to my friends,family, facebook, BLOG and pretty much everyone I meet.

When you keep talking and announcing what you must do and change, your brain will give you no choice but to do it. This is a tough thing to do, but IT WORKS. So, my challenge to you is to announce your goals on my blog (under comments) so you are committed to make it happen.

The person who submits the most comprehensive and inspiring BLOG COMMENT will get a free ebook from me. The contest is on and will end on 18 Jan 2010.

Reason #4: Lack of Personal Power
Solution: Take Charge of Your Mind and Tale Action

The last thing that stops people from success is that they do not take action. They don’t use their personal power to get the results they want. What stops them from taking action are things like FEAR, PROCRASTINATION, SELF-DOUBT, LAZINESS etc…

You have to understand that you are in control of your own thoughts and emotions, Using techniques like NLP, you can learn how to control your mind and direct your focus to motivate yourself and break through negative habits and behavioural patterns. You have to learn NLP to develop focus and drive yourself to take massive action to get the results you want.

If one of your goals in 2010 is to make a significant change in your life and to really become the successful person you want to be, then make the life changing decision to attend the PATTERNS OF EXCELLENCE programme that I conduct personally, together with NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer, Stuart Tan.

The PATTERNS OF EXCELLENCE is an NLP-based Personal Excellence Programme that will empower you with the tools and strategies to:
– Design a powerful life plan using Achievable Outcome Thinking.
– Eliminate limiting Belief Filters and design new empowering ones to propel you forward
– Tap into peak states like motivation and self-confidence using Sub-modalities and Physiological Shifts.
– Overcome procrastination, fears and develop the personal power to take massive action
– Collapse negative patterns/habits that are limiting your professional and personal life. Install empowering ones you can use to trigger off your peak states at will.
– Re-ignite your drive by identifying and aligning your Values
– Develop powerful communication skills to influence others to your way of thinking

This programme is offered in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia and seats are really limited. For more information or to register for a free 3-hour preview workshop, call 62740105 and speak to one of my consultants now. I look forward to seeing you soon!

Next Patterns of Excellence Programme in Singapore: 4-7 March 2010
Free 3-Hour preview: 7pm, 14 Jan 2010, Adam Khoo Training Centre, 10 Hoe Chiang Rd #01-01