Wow! A whole week has zoomed past since my last post. Time really flies when you are super busy and having lots of fun. So, here are some updates about what’s happening in my life and business…
A couple of days ago, I watched Adam Sandler’s latest blockbuster ‘Click’, I thought it would be Sandler’s usual mindless, slapstick and vulgar comedy (which I love to unwind to by the way!). To my surprise, it was not only funny but extremely philosophical and life transformational…if you actually look deep beyond just the comedy and into the message it is delivering.
The show was about a success driven architect (played by Adam Sandler) who like many people, looked forward to achieving his career goals of becoming a partner and a CEO one day. In his quest for career success, he had to constantly sacrifice his time for family and the hours of hard work that came with it. However he dreaded having to go through all the months and years of hard work, slogging and worry before he could eventually get his promotion. He wished that he could just skip through his family commitments 9when they cropped up) so he could just get his work done and achieve his goals.
So, it was a dream come true when a strange man from nowhere appeared and gave him a Universal Remote that could fast forward/pause/mute and rewind every part of his life that he did not like to go through. At first, it seemed like a dream come true when he could fast forward through his wife’s nagging, time he had to spend with his children and parents, hours working on his project and even fast forwarding through sex. He was so impatient on achieving his goal that he kept fast-forwarding through all the tough times so that he could only experience THE END RESULT, theta he thought would make him happy. During fast forward mode, his mind would go on ‘auto-pilot’ where he just ‘went through the motions’. He just wanted to reach his life’s destinations without having to walk the journey.
After fast forwarding through A WHOLE YEAR of LIFE and feeling the happiness of finally receiving his dream promotion to partner, he discovers that his children have all grown up and apart from him. His wife has lost her feelings from him as he acted like a zombie (his mind was on autopilot). After his constant habit of fast forwarding, the Universal remote develops a ‘habitual memory’ and keeps fast forwarding through all his family time, all his work hours to only arrive at his goals. The next thing he knew, the Remote fast forwarded TEN YEARS into the future within a split second, where he becomes CEO of his company. Except when he reaches there, he finds that his wife had left him, his parents have died and his children have all grown up and moved on. He was so fixated on getting his goal that he was not there to experience all these events. Soon after, he suffers a heart attack and his minutes away from death.
It was there that he realized that his whole life had passed him by in a blink of an eye and that he would trade all his goals for the chance to go back and experience every single event that he fast forwarded past.
In real life, many people do the same thing. We think that it is reaching the end of the rainbow and finding the pot of gold that would make us happy. We think that it is only the day that we make that $1 million or the day we become CEO that we become happy. So we miserably slog through each day or our lives, forgetting & ignoring the beauty of the people and events around us. However, the truth is that the happiness derived from reaching a goal may seem super exciting for a few moments. However, the next thing we know, we must pursue and reach another higher goal in order to feel that short happiness once again.
If you think about it, we spend 99% of the time chasing a goal and 1% of the time achieving it. If you only allow yourself to enjoy and feel happy when you achieve a goal, then you are only happy during 1% of your life. That’s crazy! You allow yourself to feel miserable 99% of the time in order to feel happy 1% of the time.
This show truly reminded me that success is about enjoying and savoring each and every step of the journey; the pleasant times and the bad. The easy and the tough times. I remind myself to enjoy every moment I am on stage speaking, listening to my wife (even when she nags), watching my children play, writing my books, dealing with huge challenges, training my participants and managing my staff. I find that when I truly enjoy each step of the journey that I am truly successful.
Yes Adam,
Life is supposed to be beautiful. We should enjoy doing whatever we deem is “enjoyable”. Be a good father, ya.
Yes Adam, that’s what living every moment is about. Most times, we either drift through life or we struggle and chase for something forgetting the now moments. Living every moment each day involves self-awareness and immersing self in whatever one does enjoying and taking it all as life’s moment to moment learning, development and growth. To add, one also learns to treasure moments with others and helps one to do one’s best to be of service to others as you have shared!
Thanks, for a wonderful summary of an apparently great story. I really look forward to watching it, now even more.
I loved the part where you said that if we don’t enjoy the journey, we miss out 99% of our life. The big question is that most “people” want to reach their goal, because they don’t want, or have not learnt to manage the stress, hurt, feeling of overwhelmingness (is there such word) along the way, and are just happy to reach their goal, having survived one more project, while surviving without being fired, scolded and so on.
Enjoy, we must. But never to waste too much time idling on that single moment or event.
Many of us are quite the opposite. Goal oriented, no doubt. Inefficient in time management, definite. This very much translates to why people would like (not hope) to “fast-forward” the present to see the future.
This inpatientance comes at a cost (time accounted for in the real world). Should a happy (enjoyable) moment can turns someone for the better, the time spent to enjoy it is definitely worthwhile. But should someone “indulge” in this joyous moment for too long, his/her future will surely dip. This is because while he/she is still enjoying, others have already gone over it and went on with life.
On the other hand, should someone be dwelling (“indulging”) in a personal disaster/tragedy, I feel that this time should be “fast-forwarded” especially for those emotionally weak individuals. People have emotions. We usually let our emotions do more of the decision making. Strong individuals are very much the opposite, they can overcome all odds unlike others. This is because they use more of their intellect and logic to decide the next best course of action to take in times of crisis than to be entirely dependent on their emotions.
I agree with Adam on the part where we should savour the moments. But never to dwell / indulge in any of those moments.
Hi Adam, you might want to come to Dr. A.R. Bernard’s meeting. Please check with Elim Chew for more information.
In this other movie, Disney & Pixar’s “Cars”, there was this tagline used in one of the theatrical trailers. It goes like this “Life’s a journey. Enjoy it.”
Hi Mr Khoo,
Your reflections on the movie is so true. I would like to ask you for a favour, may I know your chinese name for a chinese project on you? Thanks!
Adam..! Wah Lau~ Never say got spoiler in the post. haha..
Adam, i strongly agree with you as this matter happens alot of times in our life but there’re still a no. of people who knows about it and they still like to be in the comfort zone to procrastinate & complain that their lifes’ s**ks. Well as for me after your summary of the movie, you made me more interested in watching the movie.
P.S. Let us all enjoy in the process of what we’re like to do. Cheers 🙂
ha ha. ya lor. should say there is a spoiler.
now the movie is ruined!
by the way, it’s a insightful and thoughtful post and I feel that a lot of times there is a lot of pain and effort involved in achieving something, and not enough seeing how it can benefit us.
I can still remember the first time i ran 9:30 for my 2.4km.
wow, even though I was feeling tired, the exhilaration was fantastic.
onward and upward!
Hi Stephanie
Are u a school teacher?
Anyway Adam’s chinese name is called “Khoo Yean Ann”
Pai sei… It’s QIU (Khoo) YEAN ANN
Hi Adam
I agree with your reflections. We never can tell the forest from the trees. We seldom stop to smell the flowers. I totally agree that experiencing the journey and enjoying it (whether painful and fun) is important. Easier said than done. But by reflecting, taking a breather, helps you to refocus your energy and this is needed when you are under stress. The other point is that we learn more when we enjoy life’s journey.
I am inspired by your SSMM book and having taken active steps.
I believe that the journey should be structured for one to enjoy. I used to ‘go with the flow’ until I realised that time is slowly ticking away. Time is such a precious commodity.
I just wrote a blog about self effectiveness, which I feel is important to achieving your goals. It is only the beginning of a series of entries. In future entries, I will write about effective use of time, goals, reviews and how to tie all of them together into a process.
Once again, thank you for writing the SSMM book!
Nope. A school student. Thanks anyway! =D
Hi Adam,
Your this post really brings insight to others. It matches the teachings you have in SSMM about setting the business you really are keen about to enjoy the journey. However, I thought you don’t spend quality time with the ones around you in that book. I remembered the part stating that you wrote your book while you are accompanying your wife to the doctor. I meant that time can be well spent chit chatting with her. Anyway, life is really more enjoyable with the trials. Imagine watching Star Wars where there are no problems and obstacles. Life’s boring then.
Thanks for the book. Its motivating.
Hi Adam,
i came across your book “Secrets of Self-made Millionaires” while shopping at Borders and i must say after reading your book i am really motivated to be a self made millionaire just like you are today. The insights and wisdom you have taught in the book have really opened my eyes to the vast opportunities to kick start my dream of retiring young and rich! The chapter on choosing stocks have been really useful as i am going to take part in the Poems stock challenge in a few days time. Once again, thanks for writing this book!
P.S. I’m a Bizader just like you were!
Dear Mr. Adam Khoo,
Recently my friend, Merry Riana (from MRO) sent me her book, A Gift From A Friend. The book is definitely inspiring, especially because it’s written by my used to be lecture-mate during our 1st yr study in NTU. Not long before Merry sent her book to me, I also watched from news about the Top 40 Richest Family in Singapore. No 1 is Khoo Family. At that point of time, I didnt really know who is Khoo Family, until i received Merry’s book. It’s foreword by Adam Khoo. I thought, ehmm.. this must be the same “Khoo”.
Being inspired by Merry, i said to myself that if she can do it, i also must be able to do it. However, i kept myself asking how and how. Yesterday, i went to Popular at Jurong Point and spotted the SSMM, and is by Adam Khoo!! I was so excited and after few minutes of browsing the book, i made up my mind to just buy it. I am at page 98 now, Adam.
Oh i am so excited, inspired and motivated by your story Adam. I just want to thank you so much Adam for all that you have done. Sharing your knowledge and wealth to the society. To the ordinary people like me. I am interested to meet you in person, maybe during your seminar or training and will keep myself updated about you from your blog.
May God bless you and your family, Adam and may you keep being a channel of His blessings, wherever you are.
Best Regards,
Julianto Cahyadi
TO : Julianto Cahyadi
well, the Khoo family(which consists of 14 members – if i remember correctly) is not the same as Mr Adam Khoo.
The Khoo family are the descendants of the Late Khoo Teck Puat, one of Singapore’s most sucessful bankers.
Hi Adam,
I have been searching for a sample of the Daily Expense sheet you have mentioned in your book “Secrets of self-made millionaires” on your website. I am unable to locate this spread sheet. Pls direct me.
Thank you,
Agree with you every bit on this post. Click is one of the best show I’ve ever watched. The lessons conveyed were so profound besides all the stupid but really funny jokes, the essence of the show just dominated and empowered the audience. I even heard a few people are crying during the movie too, and I thought, wow … Adam Sandler (hey, another Adam :p) really did a great job here. He has not only entertained people but showed people that there are so much more in life than what it appears to be.
And it’s not about getting and achieving only, but its about living each moment to the fullest. Feel it. Experience it. And most importantly, truly living it with no regrets. Give it 400%. Cry to the max. Fail to the max. And when everything has passed, and you look back, you can proudly say,”I’ve lived with no regrets.” 🙂
Life is indeed beautiful with or without its make-up on.
Hi Adam,
I met you when i went for your preview 2 weeks back. Totally agree with you on the message behind the comedy “click”. we should just put in the Effort, enjoy life and let the end result come naturally.
From a school drop-out, to young entrepreuneuer.
I went through lots of adversity and a near death experience that work me up. I became a “foolish” guy craving for knowledge and working like there is no tomorrow.
Thank God I yr book “Master yr Mind Design yr Destiny” and the movie “click” enlighten me. Now i learn to enjoy the process and not to fight Life.
If I Want to be a motivational speaker like you to help others, which of your training program would you recommend?
I feel tt pple dun have to go through a near-death experience to start wanting to change their life.
To: Yu Yuan
Thank you for your information and the clarification made. Now, I know 🙂
To: Adam Khoo,
Thank you for posting again. I am working and studying to get the business luck as mentioned by you!
Julianto Cahyadi
Treasure Our Life & Life is precious… Enjoy Life!
Great to see another successful Asian Marketers!
Adam, that was a great post. It reminds me alot about my past. Always hurry to get to the destination, and forgot about enjoying the processs. Still today I am still working hard to get by only to realize the importance of being patience and understanding there is an adjustation period for things I desire. The process is the most significant and important part of goal achieving. Now I have internalize it. Thank you so much!
Have a blessed day!