Some of you may have read my ad a couple of days ago in the Straits Times. Yes, I am on the lookout for the most dynamic, passionate and highly skilled trainers to run my range of corporate, kids and NLP programs in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.

It is really not easy to find trainers that can deliver the same quality of training and standards that my company has built up a reputation for. It takes roughly 12 months for me to train up a new trainer, with an attrition rate of 90%.

That’s right! Less than 10% ever make it on stage as an AKLTG Trainer. Many people have asked me why I have not expanded by youth activity programs even more aggressively over the last four years. The reason is because for the nature of training which I provide (extremely powerful and trasnformational), you cannot just hire people and get them to start training right away. It is not like hiring people to sell curry puffs. It takes months and even years of intense modeling and learning before they can do what I do. And unless they can replicate the results that I can produce in people, they will not make it as an AKLTG trainer. I have been blessed so far with 10 other super trainers but am on the lookout to headhunt more of the best. If you know anyone who has what it takes, get them to send their resumes to Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group (10 Hoe Chiang Road. #01-01 Keppel Towers. Singapore 089315). Or send an email to