Some of you may have read my ad a couple of days ago in the Straits Times. Yes, I am on the lookout for the most dynamic, passionate and highly skilled trainers to run my range of corporate, kids and NLP programs in Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.
It is really not easy to find trainers that can deliver the same quality of training and standards that my company has built up a reputation for. It takes roughly 12 months for me to train up a new trainer, with an attrition rate of 90%.
That’s right! Less than 10% ever make it on stage as an AKLTG Trainer. Many people have asked me why I have not expanded by youth activity programs even more aggressively over the last four years. The reason is because for the nature of training which I provide (extremely powerful and trasnformational), you cannot just hire people and get them to start training right away. It is not like hiring people to sell curry puffs. It takes months and even years of intense modeling and learning before they can do what I do. And unless they can replicate the results that I can produce in people, they will not make it as an AKLTG trainer. I have been blessed so far with 10 other super trainers but am on the lookout to headhunt more of the best. If you know anyone who has what it takes, get them to send their resumes to Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group (10 Hoe Chiang Road. #01-01 Keppel Towers. Singapore 089315). Or send an email to
Haha Mr Adam Khoo
Perhaps you could produce the Singapore version of the “Apprentice” similar to that of Donald Trump’s …. in a bid to attract talented speakers and trainers … haha!
Hi Adam,
It would be nice if you offer special discount for POE in your blog.
I am quite shocked to find out that the price has been increased $600.
Is there any significant changes in the material taught?
The Patterns of Excellence program of course gets better and better with each new intake. At the same time, based on the high value of training offered, the current price is still very much underpriced. As such, we will probably be raising the price again next year by 20-30%.
I am glad to know that advanced NLP therapeutic techniques will be taught in the course, but I notice that the couse is still conducted in 4 days. Is it enough to cover all the materials in 4 days?
I agree with Benson, perhaps you can start Apprentice style recruitment.
Star trainers are like gems and it’s not easy to find someone with both the expertise and passion.
Would like to know whether you have camps for teens this month in Singapore or KL.
Please provide an update.
actually i’m quite surprise to see the line saying” outstanding academic qulification” do you mean that people with low academic result won’t be able to speak in public?????…. that’s a limiting believe right !!.. i always believe that if a person that have the passion and love to speak in public, the leader should equipe them with the “tools” and make them one of your trainer isn’t that better?
yo mr adam..last three days i went for the i am gifted so sre u helped me a lot..i was trained by ramesh,amin n woei tang..they were good,,fun too..i heard u were a star wats freak.hahax..thnx a lot
star wars ….i mean
that program’s cool,
It’s great to study that program
hey mr adam khoo!
im a participant from bedok north secondary school
currently in sec4..suppose to be in sec 5b..i thought i couldnt bond with mt new classmates..but a lot of yr hands on activity were great..n help in bonding friendship.through yr program..i learn new strategy n speed reading and having high self esteem,,im thnkful 4 mr leroy who although taught me 4 2 hr..he gave me alot of inspiration…another person who i respect the most n teaches me abt not giving up n how to control yr emotions which i need alot..he teaches me to b more thnkful n patience person…he is mr amin…another motivater is miss hui min..she teaches me strategy to learn instead of studies….i hope to become a motivater like them in future..n that wat i want to have in life..n to suceed…i really enjoyed the programme im gifted so r u!i will always remember all the advice they gave me…all i have to say that is that they are fantastic.. aini..frm 4a(2009)
Thanks great Aini! I am sure you will be really successful after applying what you have learnt from the program
Pls email me ur KL office phone no and recommend the speed reading programe as my son who is 17 yrs is very keen to attend
I will get someone to contact you. Meanwhile, you can contact my KL office at
Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group Sdn Bhd
B-2-12 TTDI Plaza, Jalan Wan Kadir 3,
Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
Tel: (603) 7725-0212 Fax: (603) 7725-8212
i have followed some of the motivational camp in schools for students.would you be interested in running the program in Johor. Do you have a JB office
Hello sir, In you book of master your mind design your destiny, you have give a few famous people, but do you know that their Bazi life is very good and they are successful people. but most of us do not have good bazi life. Do you believed in good fortune bazi life. May be you have good bazi life that what you do is very success. But my bazi fortune life is not so good. please help me to explain is that really true of fortune teller of bazi the life is already fixed or we can changed. thanks . I need your esplanation.
I don’t believe in fortune tellers and I believe that you make your own fate and your own luck. LUCK stands for LABOUR UNDER CORRECT KNOWLEDGE. The harder you work, the more you learn, the luckier you get. As long as you believe in fate and fortune tellers, your fate poverty will be forever sealed
Hello MR.Khoo,
I am at the age of 52, female.Houswife. May I know that at this age do I still can have my own career. Actually I dream of my own career until I am at age 70. I like working after retiring. I do not like to stay at home and enjoying life. I dream can I have my own career until I am age 70. Most ot the yonger people attend your seminar and the book mostly you give courging for the young people, how about above 50 people.
At home I learn by my own surfing internet, reading book but I still have no fate that can my dream come true. Nobody hired an old lady. But I like to prove to myself that I can, but only in my dream, Please do not laught at me cause I do want to prove to myself I can. Please I need your advice.
Hi Christie
It’s not your age that determines whether you can have a career or not. It depends on whether you can add tremendous value to customers and to a company. That comes with your attitude knowledge and skills. If a person is 90 years old but can inspire people through speaking or close $100,000 in sales, I will happily hire him/her. So, the important thing to upgrade your skills first and go out there to take action and never give up until you get it
Hello there,
Received your mail, really thanks for the advice. I am now reading your book Master your mind design your destiny. I will going to buy more books which can help me intending to open a business of my own. Which book is suitable for guiding. Mr Adam Khoo , I really thanks you.
I suggest you buy ‘Secrets of Building Multi-Million Dollar Businesses’ that I wrote. You can buy the book from my blog or the physical book in Singapore major bookshops
Dear Yan
During this June 2011 school holiday (week 2 or 4: i.e. 6th or 20th week), I wish to request for 2 things:
to sign up my daughter, Adalia Chong (S9934708B), Primary 6, for the 5 days training
to sign up my son, Aidan Chong (S9708270G), Seconday 2, as a volunteer to assist trainers during my daughter’s 5 days training
My son has attended Adam Khoo 2 years ago when he was in Primary 6.
Would appreciate your advice soon.
Patrick Chong
Mobile: 9858 1665
Hi Patrick. I will get my colleague Prakash to follow up on your request. Thank u