My 2009 school holiday programme schedule is out and I look forward to meeting you at one of my life transformational seminars! To look at my calendar of events, click on ‘MEET ADAM KHOO LIVE’
At the recession takes hold and people & businesses start to get defensive, you know that the way for you to get ahead is to use this opportunity to upgrade your skills & knowledge that will give you that COMPETITIVE EDGE!
Remember that your most valuable asset is not your house, your car, your stocks! Your most valuable asset is YOU!!! Your INTELLECTUAL ASSET. When you invest in yourself, your returns are not 10%, 20%, 30% or 50%, they are well over 1000% and they keep reaping dividends throughout your entire life!
The reason why many people never succeed is because of their wrong priorities. They major in the minor, unimportant, short-term things that don’t mean much and minor in the important things that would make the biggest difference in their life.
People would gladly spend money on new handphones, computer games, home furnishings, a new watch, jewelry, but they will think 10 times before investing in themselves. Funny right? I guess it is because the ‘handphone’ or ‘jewelry’ is tangible and it gives instant gratification. But investing in their education is intangible and it takes time to see the BENEFITS.
The other reason why many people never succeed is because they focus on feeding their bodies at least 3 times a day but fail to feed their mind as often. They know that if they don’t eat their lunch or dinner, they will starve of malnutrition. However, successful people know that as much as they feed their bodies, they have to feed their mind- reading books, attending seminars. If not, their bodies might be healthy, but their minds will starve of malnutrition and they will soon become obsolete.
So, if you are ready to invest in yourself and learn the strategies to help you achieve your goals in 2009 and beyond, register for one our FREE INTRODUCTORY PREVIEWS or call for us to send a brochure to you (Holiday Program Singapore: 65-62740105, Holiday Program Indonesia: (+62)215747511, Malaysia: (603)77250212) and get ready to change your life and your destiny!
Here are my upcoming events in the next 3 months.
Wealth Academy Seminar- 4 Days + 18 months follow up
Location: Singapore
Date: 8 to 11 January 2009
Secrets of Successful Parents Workshop- 1 Day
Location: Singapore
Date 18 January 2009
Patterns of Excellence (Module 1)- 4 Days
Asia’s #1 NLP Based Personal Change Programme
Location: Singapore
Date: 5 to 8 March 2009
I Am Gifted Junior Enrichment Program (age 10-12)-5 Days + 10 weeks
Location: Singapore
Date: 14 to 18 March 2009
I Am Gifted Senior Motivation Camp (age 13-19) – 4 Days + 10 weeks
Location: Malaysia
Date: 18 to 21 March 2009
I Am Gifted Senior Study Workshop (age 13-19)- 4 Days + 10 weeks
Location: Singapore
Date: 19 to 22 March 2009
Wealth Academy- 4 Days + 18 months follow up
Location: Singapore
Date: 26 to 29 March 2009
Hi Adam,
Seems like i can’t make it to any of your seminars since they all class with my studies in another state. Thought of going to your POE seminar but you won’t be having them during my semester break and concentrating on the super kids camp since its the holidays during that time 🙂
Oh well… hope that we can meet one day. Really want to meet you and shake your hand. 🙂
Hi Adam, I read your book and was told that I can download the Profit Potential Formula template from your website, but I’m afraid I can’t find it anymore on this site. Pls help me thank you
I am trying to find link where i can buy “Profit From The Panic”, but without success.
Can anyone post me a link if know ?
In Singapore, you can get at any major bookstore like borders
I just read your book “Nurturing the winner & Genius in Your Child” and I found it very interesting and assertive.
Won`t it be wonderful to have it in Spanish and give the Latino kids the same chance?
I am an English teacher, fully fluent in English and Spanish, plus a certified translator for both languages.
I would like to do something with this idea.
Are anyone interested?
Best regards
If you are interested in translating my book to Spanish and can find a publisher in your country, I could work out an arrangement to sell you the rights to do so.