The school holidays are less than a month away and already my I Am Gifted!™ school holiday programme is filling up like crazy! Every week, we have hundreds of parents attending our seminars in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam to book their child a slot in the highly popular life transformational programme for students.
As a parent of two daughters myself, I can understand how stressful it can be when our children do not perform up to their highest potential. Deep down inside, we know that our kids are intelligent and have the potential to do so much better. The trouble is that sometimes, they may lack the self-confidence, motivation and right learning skills to score the distinctions that they deserve. It is truly amazing how much improvement children can make and how successful they can become once they learn the right mindsets and learning skills to make learning easy and fun.
Out of the many programmes that I teach (i.e. Leadership, Investing, business, NLP etc…), the one that I continue to enjoy the most is teaching students (aged 10-19) through my “I Am Gifted!” holiday programme and subsequently teaching their parents (through my Successful Parenting Workshops) to reinforce their learnings. The reason is because I have discovered that when children learn the powerful techniques of goal setting, time management, personal mastery, exam skills, speed reading etc…. at such a young age, it will give them a tremendous head start in life. It was these powerful ideas and super learning techniques that turned my life around 180 degrees 24 years ago when I was aged 13.
I thought I would share with you some powerful ideas that I deliver to parents through my ‘I Am Gifted!’ Introductory Workshops in the videos below. A big thank you to my corporate parter OCBC bank for sponsoring this talk. You can watch the entire session on youtube as well. Enjoy my friends!
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