I would like to congratulate Metta Sari, a student from my ‘I Am Gifted, So Are You Program’ from Medan, Indonesia who recently won a scholarship to study in Nanyang Girls School in Singapore.
After the camp, she gained the mindset, motivation and strategies to achieve excellent results for her exam and earned a prestigious scholarship to study in Singapore, beating thousands of other students who have applied.
The amazing thing was that she achieved it by applying the super learning skills in just 4 months, when thousands of other competing students studied for a whole year!
That shows that all of us have the potential to achieve exceptional results. We just have to dare to dream big, use the right strategies and take MASSIVE ACTION. I hope many of the students who are reading this will be inspired to do the same.
Click on the newspaper to read the full article:

We wish you all the best in your studies and I’m sure you’ll power on to even greater success in the near future.
Oops … it’s in Chinese. Any translation?
Hey Adam,
Just want to say how proud I am to know that in Singapore we have our very own success coach on hand..that’s you. I can’t tell you how much you’ve helped me understand myself better and you inspire me to rich at a young age. Well I’m 24 now, I think I’ll set for financial freedom at 28 instead of being a multimillionaire. I just want to have time to focus on my passion for cars. 🙂
Thanks once again coach!