I received this email yesterday and I would like to share it with you:
Wow! Thank you Citran for your very special letter. It really touched and inspired me so much that I just had to share it with the world (through my blog).
It just goes to show you never know when you’re going to touch and change someone’s life, and the people around them, with your thoughts, words, and actions.
So go out there and start living a fantastic life and BE an inspiration to the people around you!
I wish you success!
To R.Citran (If you are reading)
I believe Adam advocates taking
action =)
With your experience, you have something
to share and touch many lives in your
own unique way.
To Adam
Wow! You are building many A.R.K.s
(From Evan Almighty) from your informations products =)
Thank you for sharing!
JY Chia
Lots have been written about the most successful people having failed the most first. Everything that happens/happened serve a purpose. I believe that your strong desire and patience (waiting for 8 months reservation!) will touch and reach out more than an ordinary person could cos what you desire to do comes from the heart. You are an inspiration to all and your mum is the first to recognise it. Go for it, Citran, you already possesses signs of success and leadership. What’s left is to take consistent action. And Thank You for your inspiring letter.
To R.Citran (If you are reading this too)
I used to be an underachieving kid too. Was always getting into trouble and fights and my parents were called to school on many occasions. (The only thing was that I was never caught). I flunked my PSLE and could not make it to the express stream. Even in the normal stream, my results were terrible as i was just unmotivated.
Plus the fact that relatives and school mates kept looking down on me, i was convinced that I was good for nothing. I started part time work outside after secondary school and realised that staying the way i did will ensure nothing except that I will be heading no where. Thus, I told myself, no matter how much the world looked down on me, I will prove myself once I started my polytechnic education.
True to my promise, I worked hard and finished in the top 7% of polytechnic. I was subsequently able to enter the Singapore Management University (now the top biz sch in the nation. it was 1 acceptance in 9 applicants in my year). All of a sudden, people think that I am a high achiever. Now, my secondary school (where the teachers used to pass sarcastic remarks at me), wants me to give talks and speeches to the current students telling them how i went from bottom 20% of nation to top 10%.
Of course my change started before I read Adam’s books. But his books helped me a great deal still. After attending Wealth Academy and reading ‘Master your mind, design your destiny’ I was inspired to start my own business with a much trusted friend. My company is called Infinix Business Solutions. We’re new and is still working on our first consulting project. But at least we took action.
In the course of volunteering for community services, I was able to meet ex-convicts and even boys from the Singapore Boys Home. What I realize is that many people who has a past and wants to change become the kind of person that when an opportunity comes by, they grab the chance so tightly that they will never let it go.
This is the kind of mentality that makes one successful. And I think we can all see the same signs in you. Forget the past. Forget how people may discourage you. Forget how some people may look at you.
You are what you say you will become.
Henry Ford once said “Whether you tell yourself you can or you can’t, either way, you’re right.”
So go and take action!!
You can mail me if you want to.
alan_overmars@hotmail.com (msn)
hello – how interesting and serendipitous. last week, i wrote a piece about restorative justice, and as a result, i was pointed to a very interesting online restorative just program at http://rjcity.org/. perhaps something that you, chitran, may be interested in, as well?
at any rate, you sound incredibly inspiring and i wish you ALL THE BEST! if at all possible, i’d love to hear how things come along for you.
and to you, adam, thank you for being such a wonderful teacher to chitran. you make the world a better place.
Hi all,
Good on you, Chitran! I’m glad that all these books written by us have finally touched and triggered people in some ways directly or indirectly. That’s the greatest rewards we get writing all these self-help and motivational books for the world. Press on and start to take actions now if you are motivated to design your destiny to change for your future successes that are going to come!
Yours Sincerely
Sean Toh
Author of ” 4 Steps To Financial Freedom ”
What an accomplishment! That’s a great news.
Love & Gratitude,
Think Simple. Be Decisive.
Hello ppl!!!
I so sorry, i only know now that my email to Adam Khoo was on the blog. Haha. 3 years!!! Omg.
What a ku ku.
Anyway i really want to say thanks for all the replies, advice and suggestions.
My email is citran_success@live.com.sg. Drop me a mail. tay in touch. Thanks once again ppl. Tc.
Awesome web site you have btw
thank u